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Distance Brought Us Together

During a family cruise, I crossed paths with Aravind, traveling with his college rowing team, while embarking on adventures with my family. On one of our trips to see each other, Aravind and I found solace in a deceptively simple game—Lost Cities. One ridiculous meeting, a lot of distance, and one remake of a beloved card game later…


Hundreds of games in, and our connection deepened with each drawn card. Our eyes meeting with fiendish knowledge that one of us has the card the other needs. The laughter and joy with each game made me fall deeper for him than I thought possible. From Dallas to Ohio, our calls would always include a quick game of Lost Cities. Eventually, it became our sanctuary. Our game. So of course I had to make our own.


I decided to illustrate two custom card decks, each a testament to our individual identities and the beautiful fusion we were creating together. Aravind's Indian heritage and my Mexican roots became the inspiration for our Lost Cities. Each card became a canvas, portraying the embodiment of Aravind—his love, kindness, and consideration. I delved into a world of Indian architecture and patterns, exploring the depths of art and design he had opened for me. Flowers revered in both our cultures adorned the cards, dancing between suits. Eight different suits, each one indicating different traits like loyalty, inner strength, family, and celebrations to tradition. Each detail was tailored to emphasizing our individuality coming together to form one. The color palette is borrowed from my hometown of Mexico City, a kaleidoscope of vibrancy and excitement that the city possesses.

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